Hi Friends,
Honestly, it's been a trying week. From the kids not feeling well (giving them medicine around the clock, propping them up to sleep, running the humidifier, putting Vicks on their chest and bottom of their feet, dealing with tantrums because they don't feel well, etc), JB office schedule being different this week, work meetings being rescheduled left and right when I was prepared for the original date and time, preparing for Christmas and holiday events, and me not feeling my best this week. By today I was really ran down physically, mentally, and emotionally.
My kids typically go to Brewton a few days before JB and I go home for Christmas, so another stressor was getting the kids to their doctor to get them COVID tested prior to us all being around family for the holiday season. Thank God we tested negative for COVID (we just all have a really bad sinus infection and we're all on antibiotics), but that time we were in the doctor office today, I should have been washing/drying their clothes, doing JoJo's hair, and planning a family night since JB and I wouldn't see them again until Christmas Eve. I got none of that done. I'm also tired because I've gotten two shots today of steroids and antibiotics, so I haven't been able to function at my fullest potential today.
So I had to make a choice today with what to do with my negative thoughts, my overwhelming to-do list, and me not feeling physically well. I figured I should share how I get out of ruts (and specifically this current rut I was in today) so that I can continue to show up for myself and my family when life gets to be a little too much for me (Can I get an Amen?!).
1) I Pray.
The Lord literally tells us to cast our cares onto him for he cares for us. He also tells us to not worry about anything, but pray continually about everything. I believe that God wants to restore my peace, take care of my burdens, and give me strategy to overcome whatever difficulties I am facing (no matter how small or big the circumstances are), so prayer is my #1 go-to strategy.
2) I Exercise.
Lately, I've been taking my health very seriously. I recently shared in my blog post here that I'm down 20 lbs! So I cope through difficult times by moving my body. Not only am I getting the exercise I need that is releasing feel-good hormones, but walking allows me to think about the consequences of the decision that I will make, process my feelings, and plan my next steps for handling whatever situation I've found myself in.
3) I Do What I Love.
Nature, specifically water, calms me. I walked today after a storm, and it was the most freeing and inspiring walk. The temperature was perfect, the fog was thick, water puddles were present, worms were crawling on the pavement, nature was just naturing and it blessed my soul. Being in or around all forms of water (bath water, showers, waterfalls, thunderstorms, and the ocean) calms me. It's so important to identify what calms you, and do that activity during times of difficulty.
4) I Purchase Something.
Now stop and listen, before you think I'm giving you permission to impulsively buy things you'll regret. For instance, I purchased 7 healthy juice blends, from www.changeofplans.co, on Friday from a local market after having a terrible week. The juices are healthy and align with my fitness goals, I enjoy indulging in those juices because they taste delicious, and they positively impact and encourages me to continue valuing myself and my body. What I'm trying to say is that I purchase items that align with my values and current goals during difficult times.
5) Do What God Tells You To Do.
Many times when we're faced with difficulties in life, it's time to make a decision to pivot in a different and more productive direction. Most times those decisions aren't easy to make, you don't have all the pieces to the puzzle and don't know how it will all work out, etc. Whatever you feel in your heart is best to do, no matter how it shakes things up for other people...do it...and do it quickly. Y'all ever heard that delayed obedience is still disobedience?! Do what God tells you to do.
6) I Focus On My Abundance.
In times of difficulty it's so easy to focus on what you don't have, but I encourage you to count your blessings and journal about what you're grateful for NO MATTER WHAT YOU ARE GOING THROUGH. God is still good, even when you're going through hell. Your praise truly confuses the enemy, so focus on what you do have, speak that abundance out loud and watch more positive experiences, financial blessings, great friends, and opportunities come your way.
Happy Holidays!
(Our 2021 Christmas tree)
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