Hi Friends! I pray that you and your family are well and you’re making the best of this holiday season!
I woke up thinking about the New Year, which is one of my favorite holidays (…and Easter)! I still love creating vision boards, purpose-planning, and writing down affirmations! I believe setting intentions, properly planning, and acting on your God-given ideas are a great way to enter and maintain a purposeful year.
I’ve decided to get a head start on aligning my words with my desires, thoughts, and actions of 2022.
Here are my 25 daily affirmations of 2022:
1) “Thank you for the gift of today.”
2) “God speaks to me and I am obedient to what is said today.”
3) “I consider short and long term effects, apply wisdom, and have an abundant mindset when making decisions today.”
4) “I will take an opportunity to maximize my professional careers (research and counseling) today.”
5) “I have exposed myself to the word of God, God’s presence, and have worshipped God expecting spiritual maturity and new ways to be a living sacrifice for God today.”
6) “I have more than enough financially today.”
7) “I respect, acknowledge, and allow myself to feel a healthy range of emotions, but I will operate from a place of self-control and righteousness today.”
8) “I will eat healthy, and the benefits of healthy eating is high energy, superb focus, great health, and mental stability today.”
9) “I have meditated, stretched, or did a strenuous exercise today that allows my body to function well both today and in the years to come.”
10) “I am overflowing with joy today despite any personal, political, or dangerous worldly condition.”
11) “I am connected to an unlimited source of peace and I exude peace in every circumstance today.”
12) “My hope is in God and only God for everything I am in expectation for today.”
13) “When I give my time, share resources, give gifts, and help others in any capacity I will not experience deficiency in my own life in any way today.”
14) “I am aware and intentional about meeting my husband’s needs today.”
15) “I have loved myself well, spoken well to, planned well, and invested well into myself today.”
16) “My lifestyle and materialistic possessions today are a reflection of God’s open windows of heaven’s blessings on my life.”
17) “I am gentle, firm, giving, purposeful in my parenting, and I meet my children’s love language today.”
18) “My kids have top of the line mentors, friendships, resources, academic and sports exposure, and God-ordained opportunities today.”
19) “Me and my spouse make a great team, we are life partners, and we understand the assignment of our God-given family purpose today.”
20) “Unusual and unexpected favor, opportunities, and increase are mine today.”
21) “I see God hands working in my life today in unfortunate circumstances.”
22) “I am blessed to be in regular contact with and make memories with family, friends, and acquaintances today.”
23) “Nothing will kill me, steal from me, or destroy me today.”
24) “Thank you God for divine safety in my coming and going, and thank you God for divine protection from Satan, demons, and Satan’s workers (humans) here on Earth.”
25) “I used my time well today to blog, created content for my blog page, and read/saw creative ideas to incorporate into my prosperous and purposeful blogging business.”
May this list inspire you to make personal daily affirmations for the year of 2022 and that you ultimately see the power of your words, alignment of actions with your words, and God’s power and presence change your entire life for the best in 2022.
Love you,
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