Hi Friends!
Today, I wanted to share with y'all what the Lord shared with me about new blessings.
So backstory...I purchased the iPhone 13 Pro Max, and was able to find it in stock and take it home immediately! Cool, right?! This has hands down been the craziest experience for many reasons.
1) The purchase didn't go as originally planned. I wanted to purchase the phone outright, but you can't do that at AT&T. So I had to put it on our data plan. I could have been more patient and purchased it from Apple, but that meant it would come sometime in December, but the way postal services has been and will be during this holiday season, I decided to get it from AT&T since they had it in stock. That wasn't the original plan, but I got the phone.
2) I love to have my phone set up at the store, but that didn't happen. Between the sales rep rushing me, and the iCloud data on the old phone taking a long time to backup, I was left to do the backup and data transfer to my new phone at home. A MESS. I am not the most tech savvy person.
3) Everything about setting up this phone was difficult. It's a really nice phone, but between not being able to transfer my data for storage reasons, then my apple ID code sent to my old phone not taking to my new phone....whew. Literally up at 1 AM on Thanksgiving morning like, "I. Will. Not. Be. Defeated. By. This. Phone!"
Then the Lord said, "I made this difficult so that you wouldn't idolize this new blessing or any blessing to come." The Holy Spirit loves teaching me through every day life experiences. Whew.
Yes, sometimes we have to remember with every upgrade, new degree, new job, new salary/promotion, new experiences (traveling, etc.)...with the good comes the difficult. Let's talk about it.
Buying and moving into a new house is amazing, right? Yes, but from any person who has purchased a house and moved can tell you how stressful it can be. Traveling out of town for new experiences is fun, right? Yes, but for anyone who has children and travel or you're single traveling with friends to a new city, you know it's never a quick and easy trip that goes perfectly without any difficulties. Getting a promotion and starting a new job is amazing, right? Yes, but it doesn't mean you won't have difficult coworkers and won't have to experience a learning curve. Buying a new car is amazing, right? Yes, but negotiating and pinching numbers and staying firm with the sales rep for HOURS is difficult.
You get what I'm saying?! With every new blessing and experience, there is some difficulty!
Let me tell you, I could have been very boastful about this new iPhone but I have become quickly humbled by the fact that this phone (regardless of its amazing qualities) has been difficult to set up...FOR ME.
Also, a reality check for me has been, instead of my husband and friends being super excited at first...they have all shouted, "Brittany, get a case!"...which honestly took some of the joy away, because everyone is reminding me of how I don't take care of phones. It's funny in hindsight, because they are all right! I do need a case, and I needed to be reminded of how carefree I can be with phones. I got humbled real quick by this experience!
So to close, I don't want you to be discouraged from doing new things and enjoying new blessings.
Go travel with them babies!
Go travel with your girls!
Go get that new job!
Go do something new!
Just know that if you find the new blessing and experience difficult, please know that is God's way of telling us to enjoy all the nuances of the new blessing and experience, but it's also God's way of reminding us to not idolize the experience and blessing.
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