Finding Wholeness

Honesty moment..I wanted to walk away from my spiritual beliefs years ago. I felt like the more Christian/spiritual I became, the less I connected with humanity, my physical body, and my thoughts. Being more Christian often felt like I was becoming less human, less personable, less of a thriving being on Earth. I ultimately felt like I had become a Christian who didn't have the capacity to connect with others unlike me, my mental health was suffering, I was physically unhealthy, and know, not having the capacity to be whole. 

Because I felt this pulling and tug of war on my life, the only solution to "getting to know myself in a whole way," I felt like I had to walk away from my spiritual life to grow in the other areas of my life. Keep reading...I'll explain it more!

You see, it comes a point in most Christians lives that we too have a desire to excel professionally, live a luxury life with finer material things, enjoy traveling and seeing the world, be physically attractive, enjoy sex, and we see the value of being connected with people who have walked a different cultural and spiritual path than us.

We desire these things, but often are not instructed on living "the fullness of life." As Christians, we often only know spirituality, and what we SHOULD NOT DO. Which is why so many spiritual people are mentally unstable, not wise, have a physically unhealthy lifestyle, and often hurt people and destroy relationships with family and friends all because of un-wholeness. 

Lets look at some definitions of wholeness and you take the definition of wholeness that resonates most with you:

 "...the need for unity and harmony in mind, body, and spirit." 

"The balance in our lives wherein our physical, spiritual, and mental selves are fully integrated and equal, with none dominating the other." 

"The principle that people, throughout their lives, strive for harmony between the conscious and unconscious." 

"Connecting with one another and nature is vital to growing physical, emotional, social, and spiritual health (wholeness)....And making decisions that benefit both personal and planetary health." 

What's my suggestion, if finding wholeness is your current struggle? 

1) Go to counseling. Tell your licensed therapist you're struggling with becoming whole. Do what the therapist ask of you. You'll see change. 

2) Give yourself permission to invest (time, money, and experiences) in different areas of your life. Journal and share with others how this investment grows your joy, peace, excitement in life, and brings your closer to God. 

3) Be unapologetic in growing and becoming all that God has purposed you to matter what it looks or feels like to others. 

So today, who is Brittany Bradley? I'm a woman after God's on heart trying to display his character here on Earth, who is madly in love with ALL OF WHO God has created me to be. I'm a working professional who loves to make money to support my family and lifestyle, a sporty and feminine woman who desires good health and movement in my body, a woman with different sets of friends that I pour into and allow to pour into my life, and a woman who constantly checks in with the holy spirit to see if my unconscious and conscious thoughts and behaviors are in alignment with the Lord's will for my life, as I strive to make my desires my reality.

To the person who is whole in every area, but you sense a lack in the area of spirituality and your relationship with God. The community of God welcomes you back. You can be Christian and be whole, have experiences, and enjoy this life here on Earth and love God. It's possible. I'm a living witness. Wholeness in spiritual form is knowing that your spirit stays the same when everything around us is changing. We need that type of wholeness, confirmation, and security from God as a natural being on Earth. Now, more than ever. 

Leave a comment to share what you've done in your quest to become whole as a Christian. I would love to hear, and I'm sure it will be helpful for other likeminded friends who read your journey.

All Love,


(Hanging with my kiddos at The Cheesecake Factory) 
