Hi Friends,

This week I shared 3 Christian products on my blog that I'm a huge fan of, and is currently using! Check out the blogpost(s) here.  Can't wait to share more products with you next week! Make sure to visit and like, to be the first to know when I publish a new blog post! These post are short, 5-minute reads, and I use the hashtag, #5minuteswithB! 

Today, I wanted to share what God has put on my heart all week. Reset. Have you been wanting to reset lately? Below are the areas in my life that are demanding a reset:

My Diet

I have spent the last two weeks eating out daily. I am not proud of this at all. One, because it shows lack of financial common sense. Two, because I overeat unhealthy meals when I eat out which causes fatigue, weight gain, and self-condemnation that I'm not being a good steward over my body-the only one I have and the only one I will get in this lifetime. 

My Physical Appearance

Anybody else done let themselves go? Again, I'm not proud of this at all. It's time to go get my nails done, my hair done, eyebrows threaded, and a wax done. As a wife, mom of 2, and a working professional, I struggle with making time to keep myself up, especially during this pandemic. I also struggle with allowing myself to spend money on things that don't benefit the whole family, but God is working on me concerning this area. 

The Kid's Schedule

The kids are getting kicked out of our bed this weekend. Ya'll it's been 4 of us in mine and my husband's bed, almost every night the past 2 weeks. We are holding on by a thread having an 18 month old home with us daily, a 5 year old in virtual school, JB training for a new position at his job, and me not having a consistent work schedule. We seem to be all over the place, all the time

Declutter The House

My whole house needs to be decluttered, so I have started with my guest bathroom. I took time yesterday to declutter everything that was underneath the sink, in the cabinets, and small pull out drawers. I found jewelry in the pull out drawers that should be in my room, tons of my daughters bows that should be in her room, old and expired hair products that should be trashed, and products I used for vaginal healing after having my son (18 months ago) that I no longer need. I threw a garbage bag of stuff away, and put necessary products in the guest bathroom that will benefit us now. 


I've literally gotten to the point that I have ran out of all the products I love-from face moisturizers and mask, my favorite candles, the body butter I love, to teas I love to drink daily. I love making smoothies pretty regularly, but my blender broke weeks ago! It's truly time for my favorite products to be repurchased.

My Commitment to Myself:

I've committed to resetting this weekend.

I've decided to make a grocery list that have well balanced meals for my family for the week.

Being a woman can be complicated at times, but I have decided to enjoy all the complexities that come with being a woman and taking care of myself. Investing in myself, is investing in my family. 

I've decided to have a better evening schedule with the kids next week to create some type of routine for them to get them out of my bed. Whew. 

I will commit to decluttering another part of my home this week. 

I will purchase the products I've ran out of. Barely getting by with whatever is available, versus being intentional about having the things I love will truly changes the quality of my life. 

Of course this blogpost is personal, but I felt led to give you permission to reset, in different areas of your life as well. This is your sign. It's time to reset, friends! 

See you next week here on my blog, 

Brittany L Bradley 

