Don't Forget That You're Royalty

Royalty- people of royal blood or status.

Have you taken time to think about your position or status as a Christian. You're royalty. Our dad sits high, and looks low. 

Have you forgotten who and whose you are?

Remember as royalty:

1) We have important roles in the Kingdom of God. 

We each have very unique personalities and specific talents that are needed in of the body of Christ. Are you using your gifts given by our creator, so that others in the Kingdom aren't exhausted trying to hold up your end of the deal because you're "afraid" to do your part?

2) We are set apart. Royalty never conform, but sets the tempo/example and inspires. 

Are you doing the conforming or are people inspired by you? I have a feeling you've forgotten to be yourself, you've forgotten who you are, and you're trying to "fit in" to this world. Naw. Stop that. You're called to lead and create, not be the follower and copy. 

3) We spend time with our family.   

Royalty spend time with their folks. They stick together. I know that this pandemic has stripped us of spending time together, whether worshiping in church, attending small group meet-ups, and traveling to Christian conferences. But please find ways to stay connected.  

I encourage you to take a listen to this live album, just to remind yourself of your royalty.
I just downloaded Tasha Cobbs Leonard's newest album entitled "Royalty" on Apple Music, here.
I love that this album includes videos of her performing this album live! Go check it out!

I've spent the past few weeks leaning into God's voice concerning my next "assignment." I know that this assignment is part of the body of Christ that is needed, and God has chosen me to carry this out. I've also been in tune with this creative voice that's inside of me these past two weeks. The blueprint I'm looking for is in my quiet time with God. I can't look to the left or right for direction, but the Holy Spirit is leading and I'm excited about this creative journey. Lastly, I've spend time being connected to my Christian family by being apart of a devotional/book club group, watching Christian conferences online, purchasing Christian products, and watching church on Sunday's online. 

Use your gifts, inspire, stay connected, and don't forget that you're royalty!

Brittany L Bradley 
